What are you waiting for?
The perfect time,
The right moment,
When things get better,
When you have more money,
When you have more time,
When you feel smarter,
When the economy is better,
When your friends like your idea,
When your spouse likes your idea,
When you feel more confident,
When you start college,
When you graduate college,
When you move to Austin,
When you save more money,
When you youngest son starts first grade,
When all the kids are in college,
When you get older,
When you have more money,
When your friends are wealthier so they can invest,
When you have more energy,
When you are not so busy at work,
When you have enough money to hire someone to help you….
All of these are excuses. These excuses will continue to keep you from taking action and changing the direction of your life. You must make the choice and take action. Now, not tomorrow or next week, but now.
Remember, there is never the perfect time, place, or situation for launching a business, realizing a dream, or pursuing your passion
You have two choices – either move forward with your idea or stay stuck and continue waiting.