Hello Readers,
I’m excited to share the release of the second edition of Insatiable Consumption of Being. As I wrote in my previous post, the decision to switch to a new distributor and book printer resulted in creating second editions of Insatiable Consumption of Being and To Be Human – Always.
Working with Lynne Knight during the edits and creation of new work for this book was amazing. I gained so much as a writer, and discovered a talent for flash fiction and short stories. The transformation that occurred during the editing process is profound.
This edition includes new poems, edits to the existing poetry, and new flash fiction stories. A few poems from the original publication were not included in the second edition. For the first time, I wrote a couple of poems about being dyslexic.
The book is available from our new distributor Itasca and will be available soon at Barnes & Noble and independent bookshops.